Please do 不 complete any employment documents until you have been offered a position on campus. Once hired — or rehired — follow the guidelines appropriate to your circumstances that are provided here.

First-Time Student Workers

Once hired, your supervisor will initiate the On-Campus Student 就业 Work Authorization form. You will receive an email asking you to log into Etrieve to access the form. Please review it and enter all items in the "To Be Completed and Approved by Student" section, then select "Submit." If you have any questions after submitting your form, please contact

To have your paychecks directly deposited to your bank account, set up 直接存款 under “Banking Information” in “Self-Service” for the quickest and most secure way to receive your funds (instructions for setting up 直接存款 can be found in 这个视频 或在 这个文档) or complete this Direct Deposit Form and submit it as instructed on the form.

As a first-time student worker, you must also complete, print and sign in ink each of the first three forms (only print pages 1 – 2 of the I-9 and page 1 of the W-4 and the IT-4). You must then deliver these forms in person to Human Resources at 104 Founders Hall on or before your first day of employment and, 当时, be prepared to present the original forms of identification necessary for the I-9 verification. (Acceptable forms of identification are listed on page 3 of the I-9 form.)

The instructions you must follow to complete these forms varies somewhat depending on the state in which you reside. Therefore, please refer to the subsection that best describes your residency situation.

Instructions for Students from Ohio

Students whose primary residence lies within the state of Ohio should select and complete all of the following forms. (Note: Use your proper name as it appears on your social security card and your 首页 address, your college address, on all forms.)

For the state of Ohio form, please refer to the document Ohio Public School District. Once you locate your county, 学区, and your school number, record the information in the fields marked “Public School District of Residence” and “School District Number.”

Instructions for Students from Reciprocity States

Reciprocity states include Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. If your primary residence is within one of these states, read and follow Instructions for Students from Ohio. 然而, fill out Section 1, mark the first box under Section III and complete Section IV on the IT-4 form.

Instructions for Students from All Other States

If your primary residence is 不 in Ohio or one of the reciprocity states, read and follow Instructions for Students from Ohio. 然而, for the state of Ohio form, you do 不 need to complete the fields for Public School District of Residence or School District Number.

Returning Student Workers

一旦重新找到工作, your supervisor(s) will initiate the On-Campus Student 就业 Work Authorization form and this will generate an email asking you to log into Etrieve to access the form. If you’re a returning worker, you only need to complete the student portion of the Etrieve Work Authorization form for each job held. 你做 need to provide any other employment documentation unless you have had a change in name, address or marital status.