Parking for Students


  • 参加至少一门课程且不是大学全职员工的学生必须获得车辆许可证.
  • Students who reside off campus and attend classes before 5 p.m. on weekdays are considered commuter students. 他们应该为他们的车辆获得许可证,并在足彩外围安全服务中心登记他们的车辆.
  • Commuter students whose classes do not begin before 5 p.m. on weekdays are not required to purchase a permit, but must adhere to the parking policies for students.

Students are permitted to have only one vehicle on campus at a time. The cost of a parking permit is $95 per year.

  • 通勤学生如果想注册额外的车辆,每辆车的费用为2美元(最多三辆车)。. 第二辆车需要一份bmv签发的车辆登记单副本,以便向安全服务部门登记.
  • 居民学生如更换车辆,必须交回以前的许可证,才可获发新许可证. The cost for the new permit is $2.
  • The cost to replace a lost permit is $95.

If a student gets a new vehicle, 在将许可证转移到新车辆之前,请与安全服务部门联系以更新您的车辆信息. If your permit is on a vehicle that is not the associated vehicle, you can be subject to a parking violation. 学生不得注册不属于自己或父母的车辆,除非得到安全事务处长的批准.

Please refer to the parking policies section for additional details.

Registering Your Vehicle

To register your vehicle, please complete the Student Parking Registration Form. 此表格只能在网上填写,大学和阿什兰神学院校园都需要填写. 填写完表格后,95美元的许可费将自动记入您的学生账户. Please only register your vehicle once to avoid incurring extra fees.

If you are registering a vehicle with a temporary license plate, please fill out the information with the number on your temporary tags. Once you receive your new license plate, 请联络安全服务处以更新牌照资料.


如果您是护理与健康科学学院的学生,无法在主校区的安全服务办公室领取停车许可证, please reach out to or


Parking lot assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis, based on available spots in the lot for registered student parking. 当你注册你的车辆时,你可以根据你的居民或通勤学生身份要求停车. 如果首选的地段已满,您将获得下一个最近的地段的许可证.

联系 Information

Administrative Assistant, Safety Services
1st Floor Hawkins-Conard Student Center

After Registering Your Vehicle

  • 任何在7月15日之前申请的通勤许可证将在该日期之后准备领取. 在此之后申请的通勤许可证将需要48小时的窗口时间来处理,然后才能领取. They will be available in the Safety Services office.
  • 住宿学生的许可证将在报到时在宿舍领取. 如果你在预定到达之前登记,许可证将与你的钥匙一起放在你的宿舍. If you have not registered prior to showing up on campus, please allow 48 hours for your permit to be processed. 在那之后, 你可以在霍金斯·科纳德学生中心的安全服务办公室领取.
  • 所有保留的许可证将在学期开始后的两周内保留以供领取. If it is not picked up within that time, the permit will be redistributed.
  • As a CCP student, you will also need to apply for a parking permit. Those permits are available in the Safety Services office.


Parking On Campus Without a Permit

学生将车辆停放在校园内,没有正确登记车辆和出示许可证,车辆将被拖走或冻结,不通知. The owner/operator of the vehicle is responsible for all associated fees. 足彩外围不对被拖走的车辆的任何损坏负责. 因车主/营办人未能登记而被固定的车辆,在完成登记及缴付25元的卸车费前,不会拆除固定装置. 此外,对于没有许可证在校园内停车的学生,车辆锁定和启动费用为25美元.

Parking for 教师 and Staff

所有足彩外围的员工必须出示有效的停车许可证,当他们的车辆停在足彩外围的停车场. To register your vehicle(s), please complete the 教师/Staff Parking Registration Form.

After registering your vehicle, 员工将免费获得一张许可证,该许可证可以在您拥有的车辆之间移动并开车到校园. 此许可证将通过校园邮件发送到表格上指定的部门和/或办公室. 员工许可证不会发给学生,也不能借给或由足彩外围的学生使用. 大学员工的家属必须遵守学生停车规定和车辆登记. Dependents are unable to use an employee pass for any reason.

足彩外围的员工不需要每年更新停车许可证. 安全服务部将在新的续期开始前不久通知校园社区.

Lost or stolen permits must be reported to Safety Services. Replacements for lost or stolen permits will be issued for $5 each.

Overhead view of a parking lot as a car is pulling into one remaining spot


有关违章停车的问题或担忧应直接向足彩外围安全服务中心咨询. 如果情况的解决不能使你满意,你可以提出上诉. 申诉选项将在收到您的机票后24小时内通过电子邮件发送. This notice will come with the information about your parking violation, along with the option to appeal or pay the ticket without appeal. If you do not receive the email and would still like to appeal your ticket, please submit an appeal using the 停车上诉 Form. Appeals must be filed within 72 hours of the parking violation notice.


  • Lost parking tickets
  • 短期在禁区内停车而发出的停车罚单
  • Failure to display a parking permit
  • Leaving vehicle flashers on
  • Not seeing parking signs
  • Not having time to find alternative parking

The appeal board meets twice a month to review appeals. 希望在上诉期间出庭作证的个人将被通知日期, time and location of the board meeting. The appeal board includes at least one student representative, 安全服务部门的实习生和足彩外围的教职员工.

The outcome of the appeal will be communicated to the individual in writing.

Girl sitting in her car, wearing sunglasses and smiling